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Post subject: ISLAM MADE EASY
Salamvalekum to one and all,
This one of the topics, which i have been contemplating on. Lots of them, have been visiting RELIGIOUS FORUMS and been discussing on topics, something which are secondary to Islam compared to believing in One God. Well, the non-muslims feel, Muslim lack knowledge but i feel and believe Muslims have the best of knowledge and that is believe in One God, the creator.
Now the part of Tawheed(Islamic Monotheism), many non-muslims pick up these issues about 4 marriages, jizya, jihad, and rest of those topics i dont deny these verses in the Quran, but we forget to understand that these non-muslims argue about these topics but not on the Topic of Tawheed, why is that.
Now let me take you all through a series of events, in the midst of Tawheed during the time of Prophet.
We all know for 13 years Prophet lived in Makkah, did the Prophet give dawah on 4 marriages, interest no way Prophet only taught them the concept of Tawheed all these came much later.
Now, we know through Islamic history that Yasir and Sumayya were the first martyrs of Islam, did they follow the Quran completely infact the Quran wasnt completed, but they died with the concept of Tawheed in there heart.
A non-muslim, before going to a battle, asked Prophet shall i figght and take the shahada or before, Prophet recommened do it now and the man died during the battle, now i question these non-muslims, did he pray, fast but still ishailed high coz he believed in One God.
We know many muslims died for the sake of Allaah before the Quran was completed,what happened to them, well Allaah knows the best but we know that they believed in Tawheed.
Please dont target me, i am not denying the Quran but I am here discussing about the foundation of Islam that's the Tawheed. I challenge all the non-muslims have they infact really, sincerly worked towards understanding God, well and the one's who are sincere Allaah is guided them and history is proof for it.
I leave you all with these simple verse from the Quran, and Allaah is been kind to us
YUSUFALI: Who can be better in religion than one who submits his whole self to Allah, does good, and follows the way of Abraham the true in Faith? For Allah did take Abraham for a friend.
Sat 07 Apr, 2007 3:28 am
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
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Thanks brother SOA
What you say bro apply to those who lived and died for the sake of Allah before the Quran was not completed
on the other hand we can't reject any parts of the Quran based on another requiremenet that we alreadt submitted to Him,
it makes no sense because it means we are rejecting parts of what He said, but if you mean that people should not concentrate much on the Quran rather on the submission to Allah, then this is a conflict because we can only know Allah through His words, we just can't leave it to our imagination
Status: Age: 43 Faith: Islam Gender:
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Posts: 184 Location: Riyadh
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Thanks brother SOA
What you say bro apply to those who lived and died for the sake of Allah before the Quran was not completed
on the other hand we can't reject any parts of the Quran based on another requiremenet that we alreadt submitted to Him
Agreed completely with you no doubt about this fact.
it makes no sense because it means we are rejecting parts of what He said, but if you mean that people should not concentrate much on the Quran rather on the submission to Allah, then this is a conflict because we can only know Allah through His words, we just can't leave it to our imagination
Brother, firstly I havent mentioned reject the complete Quran, infact i have mentioned Quran is the most important. Brother submitting to Allaah corresponds to believe in the Quran, and no way I am denying this fact, what I am trying to say is before believing in the complete Quran starts with belief of Tawheed, hope I am not turning the Quran for my desire, what I am trying to say if someone believes in the Structure of Islam thats one God, does believe Quran in entirety.
Though that individual might not follow the Quran completely, per se but doest not reject the verses of the Quran. Let me just quote this verses before signing off, and I agree with your words above, we are talking about the same point but I have accentuated the point of Tawheed.
YUSUFALI: This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah;
This is part one of your signature.
YUSUFALI: The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account.
YUSUFALI: If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).
YUSUFALI: Allah forgiveth not (The sin of) joining other gods with Him; but He forgiveth whom He pleaseth other sins than this: one who joins other gods with Allah, Hath strayed far, far away (from the right).
I hope I have made my point clear, and if I am wrong please do correct me as I am human. Whatever is the truth is from Allaah, and any false or deviation is from satan and me.
And not the other way around, as the majority belives.
For just as light cannot enter until one is willing to open his eyes,
So also faith cannot enter unless he is first willing to
Believe in Allah and his Prophet.
Allah has been very kind to us by sendig his Books
and the Prophets. These Books are like the Instruction booklets
which come along with every new product we buy on the Market.
So, along with the Man He created, He also sent Instruction Books
on how we should conduct our selves.
Sorry to say, most people throw away the Instruction Booklet in
their hurry to use the new shiny product.
That is how Adam fell (by not heeding).
_________________ Posted By Friend Of Islam, New Delhi
Sun 08 Apr, 2007 1:35 am
AhmedBahgat Site Admin
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SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Thanks brother SOA
What you say bro apply to those who lived and died for the sake of Allah before the Quran was not completed
on the other hand we can't reject any parts of the Quran based on another requiremenet that we alreadt submitted to Him
Agreed completely with you no doubt about this fact.
Salam bro
It seems I misunderstood you somehow
it makes no sense because it means we are rejecting parts of what He said, but if you mean that people should not concentrate much on the Quran rather on the submission to Allah, then this is a conflict because we can only know Allah through His words, we just can't leave it to our imagination
SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Brother, firstly I havent mentioned reject the complete Quran, infact i have mentioned Quran is the most important.
sorry bro, sounds like I totally misunderstood you
SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Brother submitting to Allaah corresponds to believe in the Quran,
Exactly bro, I might add that it is the most important element in the submission to Allah, there are more elements, for example to submit to any good or bad happens to you that it is from Allah. anotrher element will be to worship Him,
SlaveofAllaah wrote:
and no way I am denying this fact, what I am trying to say is before believing in the complete Quran starts with belief of Tawheed,
Sure, now I understand what you say, I actually totally agree with you
SlaveofAllaah wrote:
hope I am not turning the Quran for my desire, what I am trying to say if someone believes in the Structure of Islam thats one God, does believe Quran in entirety.
Sure, you will see on FM web site many calling themselves Muslims while rejecting some of the truth told to us by Allah in the Quran, for example they reject that the Jinn are real creatures who will be held to account on the JD, for them the Jinn is nothing but the human bad side and not another physical entity that influenced them, they donlt also believe that the Jinn can see us while we can't see them, some of them believe in Evolution and others believe in reincarnation, things that never said by Allah in His Quran as well conflicts with the previous messages sent to us by Allah, like the Taorah and the Injil
SlaveofAllaah wrote:
Though that individual might not follow the Quran completely, per se but doest not reject the verses of the Quran. Let me just quote this verses before signing off, and I agree with your words above, we are talking about the same point but I have accentuated the point of Tawheed.
YUSUFALI: This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah;
This is part one of your signature.
YUSUFALI: The Religion before Allah is Islam (submission to His Will): Nor did the People of the Book dissent therefrom except through envy of each other, after knowledge had come to them. But if any deny the Signs of Allah, Allah is swift in calling to account.
YUSUFALI: If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).
YUSUFALI: Allah forgiveth not (The sin of) joining other gods with Him; but He forgiveth whom He pleaseth other sins than this: one who joins other gods with Allah, Hath strayed far, far away (from the right).
I hope I have made my point clear, and if I am wrong please do correct me as I am human. Whatever is the truth is from Allaah, and any false or deviation is from satan and me.
Status: Age: 59 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Oct 16, 2006
Posts: 3236 Location: Australia
Post subject: Re: ISLAM MADE EASY - Bring it on
Hindi wrote:
Belief does come first, and then knowledge;
Exactly mate
Hindi wrote:
And not the other way around, as the majority belives.
Indeed many believe it the wrong way, many even Muslims wrongly believe that Iman is higher than Islam, while the Quran clearly tells us that Islam is the highest level for a believer to achieve, i.e. Islam is higher than Iman
this should be clear for a child, because firstly you believe then with the increase in knowledge you submit to what you believed in, i.e. will never be disputed
Hindi wrote:
For just as light cannot enter until one is willing to open his eyes,
Thanks for you great insights brother, I'm really delighted that you joined FI
Hindi wrote:
So also faith cannot enter unless he is first willing to
Exactly, I was actually driving my car an hour ago, I have all the Quran on my IPOD and always listen to it while driving, it really increases my knowledge and memory of Al Quran, in some of the suras I heard an hour ago there is a description of those rejectors giving an excuse to their disbelief, they will say "we did not believe because Allah did want us to believe",
See, how they submitted to Allah on that day, haha, they did it with compulse while in this life they refused to do it using their own freewill,
That is the whole bloody point of our existance, to believe and submit to Allah using our freewill given, and sure they failed the test, in reality though it is exactly as you said it bro, they refused to open the door to see the light, on the JD however their doors will be forced wide open and they will see the light but it is going to be too late
Hindi wrote:
Believe in Allah and his Prophet.
And all His prophets, the angels, all the scriptures sent and the JD, then we must also do good deeds
Hindi wrote:
Allah has been very kind to us by sendig his Books
Not really a matter of kindness, Allah does not need to prove that through the books sent, His kindsness is already proven just for creating us and giving us reasons and cause to live and progress,
He sent the prophets with the books so WE CAN NOT HAVE AN EXCUSE ON THE JD, this is stated clearly in the Quran, in fact Allah said about Himself that He would not punsih us UNLESS He sends messengers to us
Hindi wrote:
and the Prophets. These Books are like the Instruction booklets
Exactly, the divine manuals to prosper in this very tough test
Hindi wrote:
which come along with every new product we buy on the Market.
So, along with the Man He created, He also sent Instruction Books
See, Im glad that you can see it with ease brother
Hindi wrote:
on how we should conduct our selves.
The books will be confusing if we are not sincere in believing in Him and the other things He ordered us to believe in
Hindi wrote:
Sorry to say, most people throw away the Instruction Booklet in
That is stated exactly in the Quran, I will try to bring the verse later on inshallah, please remind me mate
Hindi wrote:
their hurry to use the new shiny product.
That is how Adam fell (by not heeding).
What Adam went through was a MUST, Adam was destined to earth before he was even created, this is how the mighty God planned to send Adam to earth with a huge lesson so he becomes very serious in transferring the messege to his off spring as being the first human and first prophet sent to humanity by the one and only God
Status: Age: 43 Faith: Islam Gender:
Zodiac: Joined: Oct 25, 2006
Posts: 184 Location: Riyadh
Post subject: Re: ISLAM MADE EASY - Bring it on
Brother AB,
I am like your younger brother, any mistake from my side with respect to Quran, dont flinch from correcting me, but I am shocked by the FM chaps they must be having there own set of Quran, which is there Quran not the Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammed, someone who believes the Quran revealed to Prophet Mohammed wont come up with such comments.
Good the FM chaps dont recognize and cant imagine, and they make mockery out of themselves. I heard from one of the lectures by Yasir Qadhi, that any word where J and N(Jeem and Nun in Arabic), it corresponds to being abstract. Eg,
Jannat, Jahannum, Jinn, Majnoon and many more i suppose all are abstract and I hope my arabic grammar is right here, ofcourse you are ther to correct me
May Allaah guides us and our generations to come from this deviation, and refuge from satan.
Sun 08 Apr, 2007 3:07 am
Al-Quraishi Site Admin
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Sorry this is a bit off topic, but I don't think there's a need to start a new thread as my question is based on a comment made here.
Hindi, I'm curious but I hope I don't offend when I ask: Are you a Muslim/do you regard yourself as a Muslim or are you a Buddhist as it says next to 'Faith'?
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